Department Secretariat
We function as the Support Center of the Department of Health, supporting the department head in his duties and facilitating collaboration and coordination with other departments.
We are the go-to point for legal issues relating to the public healthcare system. We also handle specific areas such as health insurance, hospital services, nursing care, tariffs and eHealth. Additionally, we are responsible for overseeing the planning of hospitals and nursing homes.
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
About us
The Department Secretariat provides essential services in law, politics, finance, IT and communication to the Department of Health's head and its various offices. We manage political initiatives, legislative projects, and prepare for meetings at the cantonal and national levels. Serving as the Department of Health's central legal service, we oversee complaints procedures in the healthcare sector. We are also responsible for care planning in acute care, psychiatry, rehabilitation, and nursing home planning.
The cantonal Statistics Department is affiliated with us and it provides statistical services to the entire canton of Zug.
Astrid Lötscher
Juristische Mitarbeiterin
6300 Zug
Beatrice Gross Hawk
Leiterin Sonderprojekte
6300 Zug
Michelle Rangosch
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
6300 Zug
Laura Huber
Fachverantwortliche Versorgungsplanung
6300 Zug
Christof Gügler
Beauftragter gesundheitspolititsche Fragen
6300 Zug
Christa Blättler-Siegrist
Leiterin Zentrale Dienste
6300 Zug