Cantonal Council
The Cantonal Council is the parliament. It represents the people of Zug, their interests and their will. It discusses and decides on issues that affect the community.
About the Cantonal Council
The Parliament, composed of eighty Cantonal Council members, generally holds meetings once a month.
The Cantonal Council is responsible for the following tasks:
- adopting the budget
- approving the accounts
- discussing major construction projects
- discussing proposals submitted by its own members: motions, postulates and interpellations
- controlling and monitoring the government and the administration
- exercising formal control over the courts
- deciding on pardons
The people, as the sovereign, have authority over the Parliament.
- If citizens can collect 1500 signatures, a referendum is held on a decision that has been taken: referendum.
- If citizens can collect 2000 signatures, they can request the enactment, cancellation or amendment of the constitution, a law or a resolution of the Cantonal Council: initiative.
Those interested can attend the Cantonal Council meetings and follow the proceedings in the chamber.

Renée Spillmann Siegwart
Stv. Landschreiberin
6300 Zug

Monika Benhaida
Assistentin Leitung Staatskanzlei
6300 Zug

Silvia Landtwing
Assistentin Leitung Staatskanzlei
6300 Zug

Karin Inderbitzin-Bossard
Assistentin Leitung Staatskanzlei
6300 Zug

Claudia Locatelli
Protokollführerin Kantonsrat
6300 Zug

Beat Dittli
Stellvertretender Protokollführer Kantonsrat
6300 Zug

Monica Stauffer
Fachmitarbeiterin Protokolldienst Kantonsrat
6300 Zug

Karin Veit Brändli
Fachmitarbeiterin Protokolldienst Kantonsrat
6300 Zug
History of the Cantonal Council
In 2023 the Zug Parliament will mark two important anniversaries: 175th anniversary of the Cantonal Council and 150th anniversary of the Cantonal Council Chamber. Learn more about the Zug parliament and where it meets with impressive visual resources and directories available at the Zug State Archives.
Seating plan
Seating plan Cantonal Council Zug
Mar 26, 2025
Traktandenliste der Kantonsratssitzung vom 10. April 2025
Die Traktandenliste der Kantonsratssitzung vom 10. April 2025 steht zur Verfügung.
Mar 17, 2025
Traktandenliste der Kantonsratssitzung vom 27. März 2025
Die Traktandenliste der Kantonsratssitzung vom 27. März 2025 steht zur Verfügung.
Feb 10, 2025
Traktandenliste der Kantonsratssitzungen vom 20. und 21. Februar 2025
Die Traktandenliste der Kantonsratssitzungen vom 20. und 21. Februar 2025 steht zur Verfügung.