Andreas Hostettler
"I am committed to ensuring that Zug remains a great place to live. Our focus spans from archaeology and monument preservation to nature conservation, social interaction in old age, childcare and social issues. We address these topics considering the evolving dynamics between digitalization and individual needs."

Sprechstunde mit dem Landammann
Immer am dritten Mittwoch im Monat können Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner des Kantons Zug einen persönlichen Termin mit dem Landammann vereinbaren. Die halbstündigen Sprechstunden finden nach Wahl vor Ort bei der Direktion des Innern an der Neugasse 2 in Zug, telefonisch oder per Videokonferenz statt.
Ob persönliche Anliegen, politische Fragen, Sorgen, Anregungen oder ein lockerer Austausch – die Themenwahl bleibt den Interessierten überlassen.
Die Plätze werden nach dem Prinzip ‘first come, first served’ vergeben – wer sich zuerst anmeldet, sichert sich seinen Wunschtermin.
About Andreas Hostettler
Andreas Hostettler was born in Tokyo in 1968. He moved to Switzerland at the age of 13 and has lived in the canton of Zug since 1992, and in Baar since 1993, where he was later granted citizenship.
Andreas Hostettler is a qualified electrician. Following his higher professional examination and training in business administration, he became an entrepreneur and owned several companies. Andreas Hostettler was elected to the Zug Government Council in 2018.
Andreas Hostettler is married and has two grown-up children. In his free time, he enjoys sports and singing in a choir.
- Govenor
- Director of the Interior
- Government Councilor since 2018
- Date of birth: January 26, 1968
- Place of residence: Baar
- Citizen of: Baar
- Entrepreneur / Federal Diploma in Electrical Installation
- Diocesan Conference of the Diocese of Basel, Member
- Lake Zug Fisheries Agreement, Chair
- KWL – Conference for Forest, Wildlife and Landscape, Member
- Hunting Commission, President
- Conference of Cantonal Directors of Social Services (SODK), Member
- Conference of Central Switzerland Social Services Directors (ZGSDK-Soziales), Member
- Central Switzerland BVG and Foundation Supervisory Authority (ZBSA), Member
Lichterweg Baar, President
- Member EB of FDP Canton Zug, Member
- Delegate FDP CH (ex officio), Delegate
- 2010–2018: Establishment and takeover of further commercial enterprises in the Zug area
- From 2009: Takeover of Nussbaumer Elektro AG
- 2005–2009: Managing director of Nussbaumer Elektro AG in Zug
- 2000–2001: Training as a graduate in business administration
- 1994–1997: Higher vocational examination (Swiss-certified electrician)
- 1992–1994: Professional examination
- 1984–1988: Apprenticeship with vocational baccalaureate (electrician)
- 2016–2018: President of the FDP party, Canton of Zug
- 2015–2018: FDP member of the Governement Council
- 2013–2016: President of the FDP Baar
- 2009–2013: Member of the FDP Baar board
- 2012–2018: Baar citizens' council
- 2011–2018: Education council
Andreas Hostettler
6300 Zug

Video from Future Day 2023
In this video, Governor and member of the Cantonal Government Andreas Hostettler answers three questions about himself. These were asked by students on National Future Day.