New to Switzerland
If you are coming to Switzerland from abroad, you are sure to have many questions about training and work. In addition, the rules of the world of work are different in every country. This also applies to looking for a job, applying for a job or paying for training. We are happy to support you in the

Information for migrants
The BIZ is the specialist centre for all questions relating to professions and careers. These are our services:
- In the Infothek you will find information on professions, training and further education.
- You will be supported by specialists. We will be happy to answer any initial questions you may have about education, careers and working in Switzerland.
- The information center is open from Monday to Friday. Please check our website for the exact opening hours.
- You can drop by without making an appointment (walk-in).
- There is free public WLAN in the information center.
- Visiting the information center is free of charge.
- You discuss your questions on topics such as German courses, recognition of foreign diplomas, applications or job searches with a specialist. Together you will then work out concrete next steps.
- Appointments are possible from Monday to Friday. You must make an appointment in advance.
- Our counselling sessions are usually held in German.
- If you wish, you can take an accompanying person with you to the counselling session. We particularly recommend this if you do not yet speak German well.
- Counselling is free of charge for people living in the canton of Zug. Please refer to our tariff list. You will find this document linked below.
- BIZ Links is our online information pool in Zug.
- If you want to use BIZ Links, you need a device with an internet connection. You will find the access link below.
Have your diploma recognized
If you have completed a training programme in another country, you can have the ‘value’ of your diploma checked in Switzerland. There are various recognition offices for foreign qualifications and professions. The recognition procedure differs depending on whether your profession is regulated or not:
If you wish to practise a regulated profession, you will need to be recognised. A list of regulated professions can be found on the website of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI (for link see section «Support with these topics» below).
Möchten Sie einen nicht reglementierten Beruf ausüben, ist keine Anerkennung des ausländischen Diploms notwendig. In diesem Fall gewährt Ihnen das Diplom direkten Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt. Das Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation (SBFI) empfiehlt jedoch, dass Sie eine Niveaubestätigung einholen. Eine solche Bestätigung stuft das ausländische Diplom in das schweizerische Bildungssystem ein.
Recognition offices for foreign diplomas and training courses
Vocational education and training and universities of applied sciences (excluding health professions)
Health professions (doctors, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists)
Non-university health professions (nursing, physiotherapy, etc.)
Apprenticeships and professions in education
University degrees (in a non-regulated profession)
Amt für Berufsberatung
Monday to Wednesday 08:15 - 11:45 13:30 - 17:15
Thursday 13:30 - 18:30
Friday 08:15 - 11:45 13:30 - 16:30
Fachauskunft in der Infothek:
Di/Mi/Do nachmittags, ohne Voranmeldung.
Mo-Fr ganztags auf Voranmeldung.
Vor Feiertagen schliesst die Infothek um 17 Uhr.