General continuing education
General continuing education offers the opportunity to acquire or expand knowledge and skills beyond basic vocational training. This is about 'continuing education (non-formal education) or structured learning outside of formal education'.
General continuing education offers the opportunity to acquire or expand knowledge and skills beyond basic school and vocational education. This is about 'continuing education (non-formal education) or structured learning outside of formal education'.
The Office for Matura Schools, Upper Secondary Specialized Schools and University of Teacher Education (AMH) promotes the quality and importance of general continuing education (adult education), supports initiatives for new programs, applies for contributions to non-profit providers and promotes cooperation between them.
The General Continuing Education Department has the following tasks in particular:
- it promotes the quality and the importance of general continuing education;
- it promotes the and collaboration in continued education;
- it promotes information on continuing education;
- it defines the criteria for granting contributions;
- it reviews the quality assurance program
- it applies to the Department of Education and Culture for contributions.
Cécile Amstad
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
6301 Zug

Sarah Magdalena Rojas-Künzle
Assistentin / stv. Rechnungsführerin
6301 Zug

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