Office for Migration
The Office for Migration enforces the federal laws on foreigners and asylum, overseeing the entry, exit, residence and employment of all foreign nationals in the canton of Zug.
Schalter Einreise / Aufenthalt:
MO: 08:00–11:45 / 14:00 –18:00
DI–FR: 08:00–11:45 / 14:00–17:00
Schalter Asyl:
MO–FR: 09:00–11:45 / 14:00–15:45
Telefon Einreise / Aufenthalt:
MO–FR: 08:00–11:00 / 14:00–16:00
+41 41 594 40 00
Telefon Asyl / Rückkehr:
MO–FR: 08:00–11:00 / 14:00–16:00
+41 41 594 40 50
About us
As the cantonal migration authority, we regulate the residency of more than 40,000 foreign nationals residing or working in the canton of Zug, and address their inquiries and concerns. In doing so, we collaborate closely with the Zug municipalities and partner authorities at federal and cantonal levels.
The Entry and Residency Division focuses on entry of foreign nationals and the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (AFMP), and residency for third-country nationals. Our employees issue and extend entry, residency, and cross-border commuter permits. We also review applications for permanent residency permits.
In all, 1.5% of asylum seekers in Switzerland are assigned to the canton of Zug. Our employees in the Asylum Division assess applications from asylum seekers, foreign nationals with temporary admission, and individuals seeking protection for employment and canton relocation purposes. We issue N, F, and S permits and review applications for hardship clauses. We also schedule appointments with Caritas for return counselling.
For asylum seekers who are required to return, our staff enforces removal and expulsion measures, including court-ordered expulsions. For asylum seekers who have been legally rejected, we organize return journeys, conduct exit meetings, impose limits and exclusions, and arrange for administrative detention.

Melanie Baumann
Stv. Amtsleiterin / Abteilungsleiterin Einreise/Aufenthalt
6300 Zug

Silvan Sigrist
Teamleiter Bewilligungen
6300 Zug

Silvia Gehrig-Cebey
Teamleiterin Zentrale Dienste
6300 Zug

Urs Ehrensperger
Teamleiter Rechtsdienst
6300 Zug

Mischa Gerber
Abteilungsleiter Asyl/Rückkehr
6300 Zug

Barbara Kronenberg
Assistentin Amtsleitung / Rechnungsführerin
6300 Zug

Partner organizations
We maintain long-standing relationships with our partner organizations, and value a well-functioning network and cooperation based on mutual trust. Our partner organizations include federal authorities, cantonal migration authorities, police, judicial and social welfare authorities, public prosecutors' offices, the Office of Economic Affairs and Labor, municipal residents' registration offices, civil registry offices, and integration offices.
Organization chart Office for Migration
Legal bases
Mar 12, 2025
Landesverweisungen Kanton Zug
Feb 19, 2025
Kanton Zug hält unterirdische Schutzanlage für Asylsuchende bereit
Angesichts der angespannten Situation im Asyl- und Flüchtlingsbereich hat der Kanton Zug die Inbetriebnahme einer unterirdischen Unterkunft in Cham vorbereitet. Am 29. März 2025 haben Interessiert...
Jan 14, 2025
Abend der offenen Tür in der Asyl- und Flüchtlingsunterkunft «Maria vom Berg...
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