Police Stations
We have a total of eight police stations in the three police regions of Zug/Walchwil, Baar/Berg and Cham/Ennetsee. Please reach out to a police station near you if you need help. We will be happy to assist you.

Our online police station
You can report simple theft, property damage or loss online at any time of the day via the digital police station of the Swiss police. Submit your report here. In an emergency, dial 117 immediately to reach the police.
Police stations
Zugerstrasse 46
6314 Unterägeri
T +41 41 595 66 80
Opening hours:
Monday: |
13:30 to 15:30 o'clock |
In an emergency please dial the emergency call 117.
Smaller reports can also be filed via the online police station www.suisse-epolice.ch.
Leihgasse 11
6341 Baar
T +41 41 595 65 40
Opening hours:
Monday: Tuesday to Thursday: Friday: |
08:00 to 11:45 o'clock |
*prior to holidays until 16:30 o'clock
In an emergency please dial the emergency call 117.
Smaller reports can also be filed via the online police station www.suisse-epolice.ch.
Luzernerstrasse 9
6330 Cham
T +41 41 595 64 41
Opening hours:
Monday: Tuesday to Thursday: Friday: |
08:00 to 11:45 o'clock 13:30 to 18:00* o'clock 08:00 to 11:45 o'clock 13:30 to 17:00* o'clock 08:00 to 11:45 o'clock 13:30 to 16:30 o'clock |
*prior to holidays until 16:30 o'clock
In an emergency please dial the emergency call 117.
Smaller reports can also be filed via the online police station www.suisse-epolice.ch.
Chamerstrasse 11
6331 Hünenberg
T +41 41 595 66 55
Opening hours:
Monday: Wednesday: Friday: |
09:45 to 11:45 o'clock 14:00 to 16:00 o'clock 14:00 to 16:00 o'clock |
In an emergency please dial the emergency call 117.
Smaller reports can also be filed via the online police station www.suisse-epolice.ch.
Alte Landstrasse
6313 Menzingen
T +41 41 595 66 85
Opening hours:
Monday: Wednesday: Friday: |
16:00 to 18:00* o'clock 15:30 to 17:00* o'clock 09:45 to 11:45 o'clock |
*prior to holidays until 16:30 o'clock
In an emergency please dial the emergency call 117.
Smaller reports can also be filed via the online police station www.suisse-epolice.ch.
Luzernerstrasse 12
6343 Rotkreuz
T +41 41 595 66 50
Opening hours:
Monday: Wednesday: Friday: |
13:30 to 15:30 o'clock 09:45 to 11:45 o'clock 09:45 to 11:45 o'clock |
In an emergency please dial the emergency call 117.
Smaller reports can also be filed via the online police station www.suisse-epolice.ch.
Bahnhofstrasse 3
6312 Steinhausen
T +41 41 595 65 50
Opening hours:
Monday: |
16:00 to 18:00* o'clock 14:00 to 16:00 o'clock 09:45 to 11:45 o'clock |
*prior to holidays until 16:30 o'clock
In an emergency please dial the emergency call 117.
Smaller reports can also be filed via the online police station www.suisse-epolice.ch.
An der Aa 4
6300 Zug
T +41 41 595 41 50
Opening hours:
Monday: Tuesday to Thursday: Friday: |
08:00 to 11:45 Uhr |
*prior to holidays until 16:30 o'clock
In an emergency please dial the emergency call 117.
Smaller reports can also be filed via the online police station www.suisse-epolice.ch.
Monday 08:00 - 11:45 13:30 - 18:00
Tuesday to Thursday 08:00 - 11:45 13:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 11:45 13:30 - 16:30
Bitte beachten Sie, dass vor offiziellen Feiertagen spezielle Öffnungszeiten gelten.
Im Notfall wählen Sie den Polizeinotruf 117.