Office for Land Register and Geoinformation
Our office is responsible for the Swiss cadastral system data for the canton of Zug. We maintain the land register as a public record and oversee the official survey. We publish this cadastral information and the cantonal geoinformation for the GlS canton of Zug on
Amt für Grundbuch und Geoinformation
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 13:30 - 17:00
About us
Approximately 40 employees work in our three departments and within the office staff.
The Land Register Department maintains a publicly available land register for the entire canton. This register records legally valid properties, their owners, and the rights in rem to the properties.
The Survey Department manages and oversees official surveys, which collect and document the basis of private property. We are the responsible authority in the canton for the ÖREB-cadaster (the cadaster of public-law restrictions on landownership). We also collect so-called reference data, which serves as the foundation for various geodata.
The Geoinformation Department manages the GIS of the canton Zug. For this purpose, we operate the cantonal geodata infrastructure on which the cantonal geodata is collected, distributed and published. We make this geoinformation available to you along with the cadastral information in the form of interactive maps or via open interfaces.

Reto Jörimann
Kantonsgeometer / Abt'leiter / Stv. Amtsleiter
6300 Zug

Marco Müller
Informatikkoordinator / Rechnungsführer
6300 Zug

Sharmiya Sinnathurai
6300 Zug

Hans-Ulrich Freitag
6300 Zug

Mariette Kronenberg
6300 Zug

Vanessa Gerginova
6300 Zug

Dec 10, 2024
ZugMap Version 4.9.0
ZugMap hat sich weiterentwickelt. Was sich verändert hat kannst du hier nachlesen.
Dec 5, 2024
Neuer Nachführungsgeometer Kanton Zug
Neuer Nachführungsgeometer Kanton Zug
Dec 3, 2024
ZugMap Version 4.8.1
ZugMap hat sich weiterentwickelt. Was sich verändert hat kannst du hier nachlesen.