Supervisory Commission for Lawyers
The Supervisory Commission ensures that lawyers and notaries in the canton of Zug adhere to professional obligations.

About us
The Supervisory Commission for Lawyers initiates disciplinary proceedings against attorneys entered in the Register of Attorney (or the public list for EU/EFTA attorneys) of the Canton of Zug upon receiving a complaint or on its own initiative. Such disciplinary proceedings are not public. If initiated based on a third-party complaint, the complainant is not a party to the proceedings. As a result, the complainant is not allowed to participate in the disciplinary proceedings. The Supervisory Commission shall, however, inform complainants of any dismissal orders or orders to discontinue proceedings, as well as the final outcome of the disciplinary proceedings.
Other responsibilities of the Supervisory Commission include maintaining the register of attorneys and the public list, granting and revoking substitution authorizations, releasing attorneys from professional secrecy and authorizing public notarization. In cases of prolonged incapacity to act or after the death of a lawyer, the Supervisory Commission monitors compliance with provisions regarding professional secrecy and document retention for ten years after professional practice has ended.
The Supervisory Commission is overseen by the Appeals Division II of the Appellate Court. It also decides on appeals against decisions of the Supervisory Commission.
Members and Substitute Members
Karin Eisenring Hiestand
lic.iur., President
Roland Bruhin
Dr.iur., Vice-President
Martin Neese
Dr.iur., Member
Daniela Panico Peyer
lic.iur., Member
Aldo Staub
Dr.iur., Member
Carole Ziegler
Advocate, Substitute Member
Rainer Riek
Dr.iur., Substitute Member
Philipp Sialm
lic.iur., Substitute Member
Legal Secretariat
Jörg Lötscher
lic.iur., Secretary
Cyril Schwegler
lic.iur., Secretary
The following links will take you directly to the services offered by the Supervisory Commission.
Aufsichtskommission über die Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
Auf Wunsch können auch Termine ausserhalb der Öffnungszeiten vereinbart werden.
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