Department for Bridging Programs

Department for Bridging Programs

The bridging programs in canton Zug with the profiles S-B-A, K-B-A and I-B-A enable young people and adults to expand the skills necessary for a sustainable entry into the world of work or a general education school.

Brücke ABA


Amt für Brückenangebote

Contact form
Amt für Brückenangebote
Baarerstrasse 100, Postfach
6301 Zug
Opening hours

You can reach us by telephone.
Monday - Thursday: 8.00 - 11.30 / 13.30 - 16.00
Friday: 8.00 - 11.30 
We are not available on Friday afternoons.

Personal appointments on site: by arrangement

Phone number
+41 41 594 24 44

Management and Team

Martin Beck


Ziegelmattweg 1
6300 Zug

Michaela Arnold


Landis- & Gyr-Strasse 1
6300 Zug

Gerold Kobelt


Ziegelmattweg 1
6300 Zug

Sandra Iten

Rechnungsführerin und Human Resources

Baarerstrasse 100
6300 Zug

Eliane Maury


Ziegelmattweg 1
6300 Zug

List of coaches

You will find the names and contacts of the coaches (learning guides) according to learning locations (location):

List of coaches

Organisational chart

Organisational chart Department for Bridging Programs

Organisational chart