Department Secretariat
We serve as a support center for the Department of the Interior, offering technical assistance and advice to the department head. We also support the offices in legal, human resources, communication and administrative matters, often assuming a supervisory role.
The Department Secretariat handles the following tasks, issues, and services.
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
About us
The Department Secretariat serves as the support center for the Department of the Interior, and is primarily responsible for advising and assisting the department head and the department’s offices. It also performs various other supervisory and advisory functions.

Manuela Leemann
Stv. Generalsekretärin
6300 Zug

Patricia Tanner
Leiterin Zentrale Dienste
6300 Zug

Silvia Inglin
6300 Zug

Christoph Merk
Grundbuch- und Notariatsinspektor
6300 Zug

Lukas Langhart
6300 Zug

Jacqueline Furrer
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
6300 Zug

Anita Binzegger Scheffrahn
Leiterin Zentrale Dienste / Stv. Amtsleiterin
6300 Zug

Mar 27, 2025
Hundeleinenpflicht im Wald und am Waldrand von April bis Juli
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